
Posts Tagged ‘Practice with Purpose’

During my visit in Manchester, PA, I met with teachers in grades 4-6 in Northeastern School District to study literacy work stations. We delved deeply into the differences between stations and centers to find out how to more effectively involve students in meaningful independent practice that they take responsibility for (rather than us doing all the work).

Teachers here have done book studies with Practice with Purpose and are eager to implement what they have learned. I shared with them the importance of having reflection as part of our instructional day, and we looked at the Sharing Time cards in the Appendix on page 164 in Practice with Purpose.

When I showed teachers the cards I created to remind us to have sharing time for 5 minutes each day, one of the principals piped up, “Your cards are orange and black—just like our school colors!” He also confessed that he owns orange sneakers! By the way, the schools were having a spirit contest while I was there, and most everyone was garbed in these colors. Hence, the strong connection. Just for fun, here’s a picture of us enjoying learning together—in orange and black! I didn’t even know to wear orange that day, but fit right in!


Teachers in grades 4-6 at Shallow Brook Intermediate sport their school colors, orange and black


I am using cards during sharing time with intermediate students


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While doing back to school inservice at Mt. Penn Elementary Center in Antietam School District in Reading, PA, a few 6th grade teachers asked me to peek in their classrooms.

I saw some lovely classroom libraries! One teacher had organized books with a fiction section and a separate nonfiction section, as I suggest in my book, Practice with Purpose. The other has a well-defined, comfortable space set up and will have her students help organize the books next week when they return to school. Labels on baskets help students find and return books easily.

Would love to see pictures of your classroom library if you have one! Send them to d.diller@live.com and I will post them. Make sure that you include your name, where and what you teach, and a short description of your library. 

Labeled books in library baskets

Labeled books in library baskets with pictures for support

Teacher's favorite books

Teacher's favorite books

Lovely classroom library doubles as a whole-group area

Lovely classroom library doubles as a whole-group area

Nonfiction books in sixth grade library

Nonfiction books in sixth grade library

Cozy sixth grade classroom library

Cozy sixth grade classroom library

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